Alma Gačanin


Alma Gačanin (she/her) lives and works as an artist, regardless of the job she might have at any given time. She holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts Education from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, specializing in Art Education. In 2022, she received the ZVONO Award for the best artist in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her work is based on exploring the specificities of labor and the precarity of certain occupations, with a particular focus on the position of women in capitalism and the gendered division of labor. Alma writes poetry and has been published in magazines, anthologies, and online portals. Alma’s work can be seen on her website and her Instagram.

With this award, I feel I have been given precious time, which is one of the most valuable things an artist can be provided with.
Alma Gačanin

What role do you think art can play in social change?

It can play an important role, depending on circumstances, reach, and visibility. Art led me to feminism, which is the most important thing that happened to me. I believe art can change lives, just like it changed mine. It shows us different reality is possible, it is never easy but it is worth it. 

How would you describe your artistic practice amplifying/supporting social movements?

I guess the biggest anecdote is that every job I get is an art project. Transforming working positions into artistic ones is something my audience understands I would say. For example, my work “I Will Do What I Want” inspired some women who have been exploited for years on their jobs, to resign and find better working positions. I feel I am doing the right thing when women write to me that they felt encouraged and empowered by some of my works or that it has made them rethink their position in personal or work life. And of course, I am deeply moved when my art can open conversations about sensitive and important topics like womanhood, girlhood, sexuality, pleasure, power positions, bodily autonomy, etc. 

What do you hope to achieve through this award?

With this award, I feel I have been given precious time, which is one of the most valuable things an artist can be provided with. I hope I will be able to rest and relax and invest my time in new works. I want to write scripts for performance pieces that have been on my mind for quite a while and develop a new series of drawings on a large scale.

Featured work

How well did you perform today/Kako dobro si se odrezala danes, performance play, 2024
How well did you perform today/Kako dobro si se odrezala danes, performance play, 2024
In a series of drawings called Workout, Alma constructs the subversive female subject Djevina, as an alter ego of her working position in capitalist society.
In a series of drawings called Workout, Alma constructs the subversive female subject Djevina, as an alter ego of her working position in capitalist society.