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61 Results

Global gag rule is back: One of Trump's first actions targets the world's women

Update: May 16, 2017 On May 15, the Trump administration released its plan for expanding the global gag rule to affect nearly $8.8 billion in global health funding. This vast expansion will not only impact health clinics that offer integrated reproductive health care including abortion services, but carries massive implications for critical health needs like…


Global Fund for Women has a long history of supporting women who are disrupting the status quo and building powerful social movements for women’s rights. From creating secret schools for girls in Afghanistan to launching the first-ever women’s fund in Mexico to get more money to grassroots women’s groups, meet five bold women driving real…

Women’s movements matter more than ever: A critical moment for global women’s rights

January 20, 2017 marked a critical moment for the world: the new President-elect of the United States Donald Trump was inaugurated, officially transitioning to a new administration and kicking off four years of leadership and decisions that will impact people all around the world. As this transition happened, women, men, LGBTQI individuals, refugees, Muslims, and…


Women around the world get loud for human rights As the United States experienced the impact of a critical transition of power, women, men, LGBTQI individuals, refugees, Muslims, and many more around the world came together. We are holding the new administration accountable. U.S. policies and leadership directly impact policies and decisions globally, and women’s…

Reflections on Istanbul Women’s Museum Conference: Centers of Social Memory and Places of Inclusion

Contributed By: Meral Akkent, Founder and Curator, Women’s Museum Istanbul Catherine M. King, Head of Advocacy and Executive Producer, Global Fund for Women “I hate silence when it is time for speaking” – Kassia, born 810-867 in Constantinople (now Istanbul). She is the first female composer in world history whose compositions exist today and her…

Top 10 moments for women's rights in 2016: Inspiration for the year ahead

When you look back on 2016, what will you remember? It’s been a year filled with extreme highs and lows for women’s rights around the world. There have been rollbacks and new challenges for women and girls in countless countries, from the United States to Turkey and Brazil. As we look back on the past…

One of our favorite inspirational videos: Tapping into “girl power”

Sylvie Olson-Dorf and Claire Rafferty know that being a girl means you have the power to make a difference. And that’s exactly what they’re doing—fundraising for Global Fund for Women and getting their peers on board to join the movement for gender equality. As part of the Tzedek Project at the Brandeis School in San…

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, women in Haiti need your support

Update: October 13 “Women and girls are in a very difficult situation, catastrophic, almost apocalyptic. But the Haitian people, especially Haitian women, are very courageous. We know how to keep our head above water and we will continue to fight. For us, life is a perpetual struggle.” – (Marie) Michelle Vernet, Collectif Feminin Haitien pour…

Prestigious award recognizes bold Egyptian woman human rights defender Mozn Hassan and Nazra for Feminist Studies

Update: November 29, 2016 Last week, Egyptian woman human rights defender and Global Fund for Women Board member Mozn Hassan accepted the 2016 Right Livelihod Award on behalf of Nazra for Feminist Studies with a passionate speech on the next generation of women human rights defenders carrying forward the century-old feminist movement in Egypt. “This…

News Release: New online campaign launched by Global Fund for Women, JASS, and MADRE highlights women human rights defenders globally

For immediate release NEW ONLINE CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED BY GLOBAL FUND FOR WOMEN, JASS, AND MADRE HIGHLIGHTS WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS GLOBALLY With art and calls to action, DefendHer spotlights the risks and successes of women activists September 7, 2016 “I really believe that as someone who has survived and lived through injustice it’s my duty…