PeiYao Chen Announced as the New President & CEO of Global Fund for Women

Yeri, a farmer in Burkina Faso, holding a #Determined sign
Take the #IAmDetermined Selfie Challenge

Unlock $1 for women’s rights! For Giving Tuesday on Tuesday, December 1st, we want you and your friends to tell us what you’re #Determined to…

Rozina's Story

In Istanbul recently, we joined a convening of Syrian and Iraqi women activists that Global Fund for Women co-funded with the Women’s International League for…

Noha and three of her children
Noha's Story

Noha* is a 40-year-old Syrian refugee from a village outside Hama. She and her family have been living in the Shatila camp in southern Beirut…

Global Fund for Women partners with MAKERS: Once And For All to shed light on state of women's human rights

20 years ago, in September 1995, the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing marked the largest gathering of women’s human rights advocates ever…

Women and the Refugee Crisis: A News Update from Lebanon

The situation in the [Shatila refugee] camp is just absolutely terrible. We have a lot of problems—health problems, environmental problems, security problems…The woman is the…

Refugee family in a camp in Lebanon
Women and the Refugee Crisis

× Share Facebook Twitter Copy Link The refugee crisis in the Middle East is getting worse. Refugee camps are cramped, and thousands of people are…

beneficiary and volunteer at Tadamon, Shatila Refugee Camp, Beirut, Lebanon
On the Ground in Lebanon: Stepping up for Women and Children in the Refugee Crisis

Global Fund for Women’s Jane Sloane shares her experience of a refugee camp in Lebanon during her October visit to the Middle East, and explains…

Bold Together: November 2015 Letter from the Editor

There is something deeply powerful about women coming together to fight for a common cause—so powerful that it must be threatening to the core systems…