Girls Breaking Barriers: How Girls’ Advocacy Shifts Power and Creates Long-Lasting Change

Girls are experts of their own lives. They are the leaders of today, pushing solutions in innovative ways that are truly intersectional and intergenerational and will carry bold movements forward for decades to come.  
Around the world, girls and young people are leading the way as activists in movements for gender justice and racial justice, making waves to address crisis, create a climate just future, to end period poverty and racial discrimination, and to fight for education for everyone. And they are winning!  
As we mark the first anniversary of Global Fund for Women’s 2023 Adolescent Girls Advisory Council cohort, the AGAC members reflect on how girls' advocacy is shifting power, breaking silences, and creating long-lasting change when having access to funding and resources. #GirlsBreakingBarriers 

In their words

"Girls have consistently proven that we have the passion, creativity, and resilience to spark long-lasting change in our communities. It's time that society ceases condemning or, at the very least, underestimating us for our desire to lead and gives us a seat at the head of the table. When we talk about girl advocacy, it's essential that we not only advocate for girls' rights, but also allow girls to provide feedback and ensure that we are all in constant discussion and motion."



"Girl advocacy is a catalyst for shifting power and transforming our world. When we empower girls to speak up and lead, we challenge entrenched inequalities and pave the way for groundbreaking solutions to global issues. Girls' voices are vital; they bring unique insights and unyielding determination that can reshape policies and communities. By advocating for girls, we commit to dismantling barriers and fostering a society where every girl has the power to create change. We need to elevate girls' voices and ensure that they play an integral role in shaping our collective future."



“Too many girls live in silence, denied basic rights such as abortion and enduring discrimination. We cannot accept this. Let’s amplify their voices, break the silence, and shatter boundaries. Patience has its limits; it’s time for action. Let's rise, speak out, and advocate for the equality we deserve, creating a world where every girl is valued and respected."



"Whenever a girl or woman speaks out for her rights, she is voicing the rights of millions living in the shadows."



"You definitely know the advantages of girls' subjectivity in the dialogue for peace. Commonly, due to ageism and sexism, we don't see their power. I saw how Ukraine began to unite like never before on February 24, 2022. Media content about menstruation, humanitarian centers, shelters, podcasts about ecology, evacuation, blood donation, mental health workshops, developing social entrepreneurship, and policy writing by youth for youth. All of these and many more were led by inspiring girls from my life, and they (we) are the key to the activation of civil society that is necessary for a stable future."

